Challenger IM Multi-Sector Private Lending Fund

Challenger IM Multi-Sector Private Lending Fund

About the Fund:

The Challenger IM Multi-Sector Private Lending Fund (the Fund) is a floating rate multi-sector credit strategy focused on private lending opportunities primarily in Australia and New Zealand.

The Fund aims to generate a consistent, high level of income by harvesting the illiquidity premium that exists between the public and private lending markets. By keeping spread duration low and focusing on floating rate loans, the Fund aims to have a low correlation to interest rates and broader equity markets.

The Fund is available to institutional and wholesale clients (as defined in the Corporations Act 2001) only.

Investment return objective:

The Fund aims to achieve a superior return of Bloomberg AusBond Bank Bill Index +5% (after fees).

Who is the Fund suitable for?

The Fund is suited to institutional and wholesale investors only who:

  • Are happy to invest for at least three to five years
  • Seek an attractive, risk-adjusted returns
  • Are prepared to invest in primarily non-investment grade private market securities
  • Are willing to trade off / forego some liquidity in exchange for the potential of increased returns

How to Invest:

The Fund is only available to institutional and wholesale investors (as defined by the Corporations Act 2001).

If you wish to invest in the Fund, please contact Fidante on 1300 721 637 (within Australia) or +61 2 8023 5428.

If you are an Institutional investor and wish to invest in the Fund, please contact:
Linda Mead
Senior Institutional Business Development Manager
Fixed Income, Challenger Investment Management
P: +61 2 9994 7867

Unless otherwise specified, any information contained in this material is current as at date of publication and is provided by Challenger Investment Partners Limited (Challenger Investment Management or Challenger) (ABN 29 092 382 842, AFSL 234678), the investment manager of the Challenger IM Multi-Sector Private Lending Fund ARSN 620 882 019 (Fund). Fidante Partners Limited ABN 94 002 835 592, AFSL 234668 (Fidante) is the responsible entity and issuer of interests in the Fund. Fidante and Challenger Investment Management are members of the Challenger Limited group of companies (Challenger Group). Information is intended to be general only and not financial product advice and has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider whether the information is suitable to your circumstances. The Fund’s Target Market Determination and Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) available at should be considered before making a decision about whether to buy or hold units in the Fund. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Fidante and Challenger Investment Management are not authorised deposit-taking institutions (ADI) for the purpose of the Banking Act 1959 (Cth), and their obligations do not represent deposits or liabilities of an ADI in the Challenger Group (Challenger ADI) and no Challenger ADI provides a guarantee or otherwise provides assurance in respect of the obligations of Fidante and CIPAM. Investments in the Fund are subject to investment risk, including possible delays in repayment and loss of income or principal invested. Accordingly, the performance, the repayment of capital or any particular rate of return on your investments are not guaranteed by any member of the Challenger Group.