Challenger IM Multi-Sector Private Lending Fund

Key Features of the Fund

The Fund aims to generate a consistent, high level of income by harvesting the illiquidity premium that exists between the public and private lending markets.

By keeping spread duration low and focusing on floating rate loans, the Fund aims to have a low correlation to interest rates and broader equity markets.

The Fund aims to reduce market risk by maintaining short spread duration and low cross-sector correlation.

Its focus on floating rate loans reduces exposure to interest rates and broader equity markets.

The team identifies complexity risks which provide
income and minimise more volatile currency and interest rate risks and avoids risk it cannot consistently exploit to generate excess returns.

We have one of the longest track records in Australian private lending going back to 2005, with exceptional access to corporate, securitised
and real estate markets.

Our clients benefit from a robust governance framework including an independent credit risk management team within the Challenger Group.

Investments are marked-to-market monthly with reference to public market credit spreads ensuring
NAV reflects market conditions.

Fund Ratings

For more information, please read the Ratings Disclaimer.

Investing & Enquiries

Linda Mead
Senior Institutional Business Development Manager
Fixed Income, Challenger Investment Management
P: +61 2 9994 7867

The Fund is only available to institutional and wholesale investors (as defined by the Corporations Act 2001).

Wholesale Investor Enquiries

For more information, please contact Fidante:
Visit: Fidante
Call: 1300 721 637 (within Australia)
Call: +61 2 8023 5428 (outside of Australia)