Challenger IM Funds
The Challenger IM team manages funds and mandates across diverse credit strategies, offering tailored solutions spanning public and private markets to meet investor needs.
The Challenger IM Credit Income Fund aims to provide capital stability and income on a regular basis accompanied by lower levels of volatility than traditional fixed income strategies.
The Fund maintains an average investment grade credit risk profile, lending to a diverse mix of private and public borrowers. It is suited to investors:
- With an investment horizon of greater than 3 years
- Requiring an investment with consistent levels of income
- Who understand and are willing to accept a higher level of liquidity risk in order to generate higher returns than daily liquid fixed income products
The Challenger IM Multi-Sector Private Lending Fund is a floating rate multi-sector credit strategy focused on private lending opportunities primarily in Australia and New Zealand.
The Fund aims to generate a consistent, high level of income by harvesting the illiquidity premium that exists between the public and private lending markets. It is available to institutional and wholesale clients (as defined in the Corporations Act 2001) only, and suited to investors:
- Seeking an attractive, risk-adjusted return
- With an investment horizon of 3 to 5 years
- Who are prepared to invest in primarily non-investment grade private market securities
- Who are willing to trade off / forego some liquidity in exchange for the potential of increased returns
The Challenger IM Global Asset Backed Securities (ABS) Fund is a long-only global asset-backed securities fund, focusing predominantly on investment grade publicly rated assets across developed markets.
Please note that the Fund is available to non-retail investors in the UK, Australia, Canada, US and select European countries.
- The Fund aims to seek a return for shareholders generated from income and capital appreciation
- The Funds target return is Euro Short Term Rate + 3-4% per annum, through cycle, before fees
Investing & Enquiries
Our investment partner Fidante is the responsible entity and issuer of interests in the Challenger IM Credit Income Fund and the Challenger IM Multi-Sector Private Lending Fund.
Before investing, read the Fund’s TMD and PDS, where relevant, to ensure the key attributes of the Fund align with your objectives, financial situation and needs.
To make an enquiry, please contact Fidante:
1300 721 637 (within Australia)
+61 2 8023 5428 (outside of Australia)
1300 721 637 (within Australia)
+61 2 8023 5428 (outside of Australia)
Linda Mead
Senior Institutional Business Development Manager
Challenger Investment Management
+61 2 9994 7867